Sibel K.
Experience report as a private customer without insurance
In summer 2017 my mother suffered a severe stroke during a long term stay in Greece.
Unfortunately she did not have foreign insurance, so we had to organise a private return transport to ensure the best possible medical treatment. This confronted us with an impossible task and we were overwhelmed by the situation.
After the first contact with PRO-JET and the decision to go ahead with the return transport, everything happened very quickly. The team around Olaf Wierz and Wolfgang Edling started immediately with the organisation and initiated the following steps. After we had received our mother's CT pictures and a remote diagnosis, we talked to a neurologist from the PRO-JET team, who informed us about the clinical condition of our mother and the severity of the situation to us. Despite the risks of a transport we decided to perform the treatment in Germany.
After all prerequisites for the return transport had been created, we were informed by telephone at any time about every single step that followed. In case of further questions we could call at any time, at day or night and always received a fast and competent answer.
PRO-JET planned, communicated and implemented the entire operational procedure and medical arrangements for this transport with the authorities in Athens, the airports involved in Germany and Greece, the hospital and the doctors on duty abroad down to the hospital in Germany. At this moment we became aware of the dimension and complexity of a return transport.
It took about 36 hours from the placing of the transport order to the admittance to the hospital in Cologne. Our mother was immediately able to undergo emergency surgery and got away with a bad fright.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all PRO-JET employees for their professional work and the support we received from the entire team!
Please be aware that the above text was originally written in German and the translation may differ from the original version!